Write your next chapter
We are now living and working in times of great change due to several factors including technological advances, the casualisation of the workforce, global markets impacting local businesses, organisations looking to become more agile and social and generational forces. All this can create uncertainty for employees. For more than 12 years we have worked on behalf of employers to support their impacted staff in moving forward either within the business or after taking a redundancy and searching for a new job. We call this: Writing your next chapter. It's about taking control of your opportunities, upskilling, networking and being the master of your own destiny as much as possible.
Career Options Tasmania provides tailored career services to Tasmanian organisations and individuals. We used to be called Outplacement Tasmania, but as our services grew beyond redundancies we rebranded in order to capture the many ways in which we help organisations and individuals to plan their way ahead.
Have a look at our services - all aimed at getting that next chapter written - whether it's a short story or part of a trilogy.